Bible Study: Character in the Book of DanielThe Biblical book of Daniel, recounts a story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, Jewish young men living in exile in…Read Article
The Names of God: YAHWEH and JEHOVAHWe can learn who God is through his names and titles. YAHWEH and JEHOVAH are the covenant, central names of…Read Article
Our Good Shepherd: Trusting Jesus with our LivesJesus called himself the “good shepherd”. For us to be in the safety of Christ’s sheepfold, we have to cultivate…Read Article
The Comparison Trap, and Remembering to See Ourselves as God Sees Us (Take Five)It’s so easy to look at others and compare ourselves, isn’t it? It’s been said that comparison leads us to…Read Article
Don’t Delay Obedience (Take Five)Obedience is a tricky thing, isn’t it? Often we seek to obey God’s commands, but then find ourselves hoping for…Read Article
Dangerous DistractionsWhat distracts us from an appropriate focus on God? Media, money and even ministry can keep us from an intimate…Read Article
What is Faith?In part two of “Having Faith in Tough Times”, Dr. Krejcir explores what faith is and how faith in God…Read Article
Faith Like a ChildCan God heal? Yes, he can. Does God intervene in impossible situations? All the time. Does God move the hardest…Read Article
Having Faith in Tough TimesStruggles are real and our questions about them are not easily answered. In the midst of our difficult times –…Read Article
Is Your Crown in the Gutter?For Christians, the crown represents something of great spiritual value – a higher calling and intense sacrificial love. We ought…Read Article
Beauty of Salvation (Take Five)Righteousness, forgiveness, not being judgmental and accepting God’s love are all nearly impossible for us to accomplish without God‘s grace…Read Article
Healthy vs. Unhealthy FearThere are many things we can be afraid of in the world, but should we give in to that fear?…Read Article