I’ve seen this a few times in my life –the glory of God shining through older and wiser Christians –folks who have walked the talk for decades. But I had never experienced it myself until one day in November.
One of the single moms I coach finished the legal paperwork of her divorce and planned to move into a new home. She and her children were still ravaged by some of the emotional chaos of the divorce, but she wanted her children to feel good in their new home.
Since peace is her top core value, this mom asked me to come and pray through the house –to anoint it for their move and bless their new space.
Through each room we walked. I sketched the sign of the cross on the wall with anointing oil, then prayed over that particular room.
In the kitchen, I prayed: “Oh, God, bless this place because this is where the family is fed. Give them nourishing food. Keep them healthy so they can grow to serve you. Provide for them as only you know how, in miraculous ways, because you care so much about the orphan and the widow.”
In the family room: “Bless the family as they gather here, Lord, for fun and fellowship. Bless this piano and the children who will learn to play it. Bless the television, the DVDs and the movies they choose to watch. Help them to make sweet memories here that will carry through their lifetimes.”
Throughout the house I prayed: in the laundry room, blessing the clothes and the appliances, in the garage – keeping the car in good-working order, even in the bathrooms where the family would prepare for the next day.
In each bedroom, I prayed for the child who would sleep there. For the girls: “Keep them safe, Lord, from any type of abuse and help them to grow into strong women who will serve you well and be godly examples to their families.”
For the boys: “Keep them safe, Lord, from the lies of the enemy. Help them grow into godly men who will lead, serve and love their families. Keep them away from porn and all forms of addictions which tear families apart. Keep them healthy in the name of Jesus.”
Then we walked into the mother’s bedroom, where I broke down and sobbed. A master bedroom should be a sacred place, a place where the vows are honored and the mother and father pray together for their family.
I knew the pain this particular mother had suffered and the betrayal that tore their family apart. So after I composed myself, I prayed for her healing: “Oh, God, please God, heal the broken heart of this woman, this mother and former wife. May this bedroom be her sanctuary, where she feels your presence and knows you are her heavenly Husband and Maker. Let her sleep be restful each night. Keep her strong and healthy so that she can take care of herself and her children.”
When I left, I hugged the mother and reminded her of Philippians 4:7, “ʻAnd the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.’The peace of God will guard your house.”
Back at work, I stepped into the ladies’room to check my hair, then gasped at my reflection in the mirror. My skin bore an almost luminescent sheen, as if I had just finished with a professional spa facial.
I reflected on what might have caused it. I wore the same makeup and followed my same routine that morning. The only difference was that I had been in the presence of God, through prayer, for a couple of hours.
In praise to God, I thanked him for the glory that he allowed me to share that morning –with that single mom and within her new home.
I prayed, “Thank you, God, that someday we will shine forever with you, because we will live in the glories of heaven within your eternal Light. Someday, all your children will be together and we’ll all share in your glory.”
Check out an earlier post by RJ here.
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