Fully Human 7: GethsemaneIf the person to whom we look for reassurance and strength is barely holding things together, this can often rock…Read Article
Forgiveness Requires WillingnessGod uses our willingness to forgive and works through us. Forgiveness is not an overnight miracle; more often, God heals…Read Article
Shining Like Stars Online: Write With CareOne of the easiest ways to show our world a glimpse of Christ is by communicating well and making the…Read Article
Fully Human 6: Weeping, Part 2If God most fully reveals Himself to humanity through the person of Jesus Christ, as we have seen throughout this…Read Article
Biblical Truth and Careful Thinking; God Cares About What We ReadDennis’ goal in this series is to mine older books to help bring Biblical reality and careful thinking back into…Read Article
Fully Human 5: Weeping, Part 1Like many of us, Greg can identify with the devastation and grief that Martha and Maria must have felt when…Read Article
Fully Human 4: Jesus was TemptedMany Christians misunderstand temptation, believing it to be inherently sinful, and insist that if we were more holy (like Jesus)…Read Article
The Discipline of Hearing, Reading and Studying God’s Word“Exercise yourself to become more godly.” The athlete who is unwilling to discipline his or her body by regular exercise…Read Article
Fully Human 3: Shady BirthEach Christmas the cute Nativity scene of Jesus’ birth fills us with warm fuzzy feelings of love and bliss, but…Read Article
Fully Human 2: Emptied OutWhat does it mean to say that Jesus ‘emptied Himself?’ The almighty, all-knowing God chose to become a vulnerable, weak,…Read Article
Fully Human 1: The Humanity of JesusHow often do we think about the way in which God chose to come to us: as fully, totally, utterly,…Read Article
Spiritual Disciplines #3 – Memorizing the WordMost people are convinced that they can’t memorize Scripture. Even more do not understand the value of this spiritual discipline.…Read Article