What is Faith?

Written by: Richard Krejcir
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“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.” Hebrews 11:1-2

As we journey through overcoming doubt and handling the tough things of life, let’s look right to God’s Word in Hebrews 11.  (For the first post in this series, click here.) This passage gives us the answer to the question, “what is faith?”

Faith is both simple and profound. Genuine faith is our full confidence, trust and assurance; when we have more confidence, trust, and assurance, we can endure.

Look at it this way: assurance is substantial evidence, like an important business document in which we can trust. What we have in Christ has a real basis and foundation. In contrast, a lack of faith will lead one to hopelessness and despair, which can cause us to live in past failures or future fears.

Faith gives us hope

In faith, we can have confidence in God, that our future is in His hands. We can also have confidence because He will lead us out of our past.

Faith sees what is ahead when our eyes cannot. If we see what He has done in the past, we can have hope for the future. Also, our hope realizes that our temporary life on earth is not all there is; there is a future time when we will be with God for eternity. “Hope” is a Jewish metaphor for heaven; an unshakable conviction in what must be. Faith is not mere belief; it is real and tangible.

Our confidence in God for our future helps remove our fears and anxiety, because we are in His hands. 

Real, effectual faith is not just a reward; it is a duty which we must embrace here and now.

Our faith is based on the knowledge given by God through his Word, and evidenced in His creation and other’s testimonies. Faith not blind trust, because we know the One who is leading! This efficient and powerful faith of ours gives life to our passion and the conviction of our faith that Jesus Christ is real, even when we cannot see him or what He has for us. Faith lets us believe that God’s promises are real and tangible even when we do not see them in dark moments  (Rom. 1:16-17; Gal. 3:1-4; Eph. 2:8-9; James 2:14-26).

Through faith in the living God, we can have real hope, not weak promises or speculations. Our faith is eternal, in heaven. Christ is real for us, both in our daily lives and in eternity. Thus, we have authentic hope-the response of our faith-evidenced as we live out our lives.

Also, consider this: people are watching how you handle life and they need your wise example. Our spiritual growth affects our moral success and failures as well as influences others.

Faith reminds us that our greatest hope is still to come.

God will achieve His purpose; we will inherit his wonders and blessings. This great axiom, that Christ will “wipe away every tear,” must resound in us, not only for our personal hope and comfort, but also to enable us to trust in Christ for all things and situations.

We can be encouraged, as we have hope, reason, and purpose, to be faithful because of our confidence in God. We should pursue active faith that glorifies Christ and builds His kingdom. Our faith matters, because what we do and say echoes into eternity.

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