When Encouragement Comes Full CircleWhen we serve without an emotional break, we can easily overload and spill over into a melted mess. The same…Read Article
Prayer: The Lord is NearMy husband Jeff is in Africa right now. I miss him, and I miss the little things like going downstairs early…Read Article
Does the Bible Teach that Respect is Earned or Freely Given?I believed that I didn’t have any obligation to show respect to someone unless they earned it. Our culture agreed…Read Article
What Does “Hesed” Love Mean to Us Today?Most of all, hesed is a covenant love—a love that binds God to his people. It is almost exclusively used…Read Article
When Your Message is Right but Your Tone is WrongI want my words to be tempered with grace that honors the Lord and edifies the person receiving them, even…Read Article
Isolation Means Death (A Lesson from My Dog, Rocky)When we avoid isolation and stay connected to each other, we become stronger. We’re better together and as Jesus pointed…Read Article
Friendship and Reconciliation (Take Five)If you’re like me, you need to hear about people who are courageously honest and welcoming – who reconcile and…Read Article
How to Let Go of Offense and AngerI be deeply concerned and proactive about what is wrong in our society, government or the behavior of others but…Read Article
What’s Your Response When Gossip is Served?How will you respond next time gossip is served? We’re all guilty of it eating and serving gossip. We dress…Read Article
How to Encourage, One Adjective at a TimeIn 1 Thessalonians 5:14, the Apostle Paul reminds us to “Encourage the timid, help the weak and be patient with…Read Article
Lessons from Egyptian Christians, Part 3: Extreme HospitalityLet us be a church that is known for hospitality, for how we love our family and our enemies. Let…Read Article
God’s Love in LonelinessMost of the time, I enjoy my single woman status, but once in a while, the loneliness of my singleness…Read Article