Comfort Comes From GodTrue healing comes when we mourn the wrong in our lives, the things that happen that really should not happen.…Read Article
The Idol of MoneyIdols and idolatry are not words we use very often today, unless perhaps we are discussing the popular reality TV…Read Article
Discipline of FastingFasting is actually mentioned in the Bible more than baptism. It’s mentioned more than 77 times. We can’t overlook fasting,…Read Article
Marriage Builders: Resolve and Prevent ConflictConflict is a part of life, and we often make it worse by not embracing or understanding God’s grace and…Read Article
Making a Difference (Take Five)Each week I scour Twitter and spend hours reading blog posts. It has been utterly transformational in my spiritual journey.…Read Article
Discipline of PrayerPrayer is simply communicating with God. The Word of God commands us to pray all the time (Colossians 4:2, 1…Read Article
Trust in Jesus; Running Our Race WellGod has given Corinne a passion for running, and He has blessed her with the ability to do so. Through…Read Article
Stop and ListenOur quiet presence is sometimes all someone needs to feel loved and cared for. Yet as we listen to them,…Read Article
Fully Human 7: GethsemaneIf the person to whom we look for reassurance and strength is barely holding things together, this can often rock…Read Article
Forgiveness Requires WillingnessGod uses our willingness to forgive and works through us. Forgiveness is not an overnight miracle; more often, God heals…Read Article
Fully Human 6: Weeping, Part 2If God most fully reveals Himself to humanity through the person of Jesus Christ, as we have seen throughout this…Read Article
Fully Human 5: Weeping, Part 1Like many of us, Greg can identify with the devastation and grief that Martha and Maria must have felt when…Read Article