Thinking Honestly About the Lord’s PrayerIf we have been in church for more than a few years, we know the Lord’s Prayer by heart and…Read Article
Because of My Love For You, a Poem of CommunionThis poem is by Frank Carpenter, written as a meditation on the act of taking the Lord’s Supper. Because of…Read Article
What I learned about God through pruning my gardenPruning is valuable, in the natural world but also in the spiritual. At the end of the flower season, when…Read Article
Are You Listening?When we study the Hebrew roots of our Christian faith, we can often discover a difference between the Hebrew meaning…Read Article
Red light. Grace light.Truth and grace lie on a spectrum. Some of us place a high value on truth. We proclaim boldly and…Read Article
The Frustrating Cycle (And Why I Am Grateful For It)One of our favorite stories in the Bible is the great story of Nehemiah. In it, we find drama, opposition,…Read Article
The Fruit of the Spirit: Kindness and GoodnessIf we do not see how Jesus cares for us, we will not care for what He cares for. We…Read Article
Done Digging HolesUsing the Parable of the Talents that Jesus told in Matthew 25, Janet challenges us to let go of our…Read Article
You Belong to JesusIf you have a glass that is filled with water and you try to add more water, is it getting…Read Article
The Fruit of the Spirit: Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-ControlWe become trustworthy, faithful, gentle and self-controlled when we are building a right, growing relationship with God. True intimacy with…Read Article
10 Tips for Liking the Bible (Because Believing It’s True Is Not Enough)Do you ever have to force yourself to read the Bible? Contributor Keith Ferrin knows this is a common problem,…Read Article
The Anatomy of ForgivenessWhen someone treats us badly or we are hurt in relationships, we often find ourselves struggling to forgive. When we…Read Article