When Home Becomes Less About a Place and More About God’s Presence In our move across the country I came face to face with the truth that I hold on to things…Read Article
Trusting God, Even on Lonely Sundays During my church-hunt, I discovered Sunday is the loneliest day of the week. But I felt some comfort in believing…Read Article
Prayer: The Lord is Near My husband Jeff is in Africa right now. I miss him, and I miss the little things like going downstairs early…Read Article
What You Feed Your Heart Will Feed Others When it comes to physical health, what you eat makes a big difference. A poor diet can lead to health…Read Article
American Sniper, the Apostle Paul and My Mission If I were to have a conversation with Kyle and Paul, the two men would probably humbly tell me about…Read Article
What Does “Hesed” Love Mean to Us Today? Most of all, hesed is a covenant love—a love that binds God to his people. It is almost exclusively used…Read Article
How to Pray: Everything Gives Rise to Prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:16-17) I love the idea of praying all the time. It sounds awesome, and I was always on board intellectually. But…Read Article
God’s Truth and Grace; Why I Love Trochia I love being a part of Trochia. Every week I get the front-row seat to God’s word, taught through the…Read Article
At the Heart of Trochia’s Mission: A Level Path The writer of Hebrews uses a metaphor for life in verse 12:13, by speaking as a coach to his running…Read Article
The Epic Story of the Bible: Part 9, History is God’s Story The Bible is our story. The Bible gives us hope and confidence because it reminds us of how great God…Read Article
How Do We Seek First the Kingdom of God? “Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33…Read Article
Searching for Comfort (Exodus 20:3) R.J. was searching for something else to comfort herself. She writes, “It was one of those anniversary months, when I…Read Article