Do you ever feel that God’s voice is hard to hear amongst all the bustle and noise of our lives? This poem is meant to be read as a prayer, asking the LORD to give us grace to hear him in the midst of the fray. What influences do you need to turn off or walk away from this week, in order to hear God’s voice and follow where he leads?
From the moment when I wake, the distractions buffet me.
Clamoring for my attention, they assail relentlessly.
The voices of this busy world seem to fill my ears,
Drowning out your still small voice, the only voice I long to hear.
Lord, meet me in the moment in the quiet of this place.
Help me to hear your voice alone as I rest in your embrace.
Lord, drive the other voices from the temple of my heart,
And whisper words of wisdom which your Spirit can impart.
That I would hear no other voice,
O Master, draw me near.
May I incline my heart to you,
Speak, Lord, and help me hear.
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