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Featured image for “Do Good for All People”

Do Good for All People

Inés Franklin
The Apostle Paul frequently wrote on the theme of doing good for all people. When Paul talks about the freedom…
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Featured image for “What Does Christian Community Look Like”

What Does Christian Community Look Like

Angela O'Neill
When it comes to our Christian brothers and sisters, what does it mean to find real community? Simply put, our…
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Featured image for “How to Find a Mentor”

How to Find a Mentor

Megan Ryan
It is clear in Scripture that we as humans were created by God for community. We were not meant to…
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Featured image for “Fasting During Lent A Spiritual Guide to Getting the Most Out of the Practice”

Fasting During Lent A Spiritual Guide to Getting the Most Out of the Practice

Kelly McSparran
Because the date of Easter moves each year, the holiday sometimes sneaks up on me. Instead of arriving to church…
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Featured image for “8 Healthy Habits of Christian Leaders”

8 Healthy Habits of Christian Leaders

Kelly McSparran
Being a Christian leader is a high calling. But in our demanding culture, it has become more and more challenging.…
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Featured image for “Jesus’ Family is Our Church Family”

Jesus’ Family is Our Church Family

Inés Franklin
Today I want to talk about our church family and the family of God, because I recently read this passage…
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Featured image for “Who is God’s favorite? What the Bible says about favoritism.”

Who is God’s favorite? What the Bible says about favoritism.

Inés Franklin
We all have a tendency to show favoritism, don’t we? We have a tendency to treat some people better than…
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Featured image for “God Uses Ordinary People (Nehemiah’s Story)”

God Uses Ordinary People (Nehemiah’s Story)

Inés Franklin
In the book of Nehemiah, in the Old Testament, the Israelites were taken captive by King Nebuchadnezzar from Babylon. He…
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Featured image for “Why Does the Word of God Call Us to Love Our Neighbor?”

Why Does the Word of God Call Us to Love Our Neighbor?

Inés Franklin
He wants to restore the world through his people. He wants to use us, where we live, work and play,…
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Featured image for “Trusting God, Even on Lonely Sundays”

Trusting God, Even on Lonely Sundays

RJ Thesman
During my church-hunt, I discovered Sunday is the loneliest day of the week. But I felt some comfort in believing…
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Featured image for “What Does “Hesed” Love Mean to Us Today?”

What Does “Hesed” Love Mean to Us Today?

JoHannah Reardon
Most of all, hesed is a covenant love—a love that binds God to his people. It is almost exclusively used…
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Featured image for “When Your Message is Right but Your Tone is Wrong”

When Your Message is Right but Your Tone is Wrong

Cindy Baum
I want my words to be tempered with grace that honors the Lord and edifies the person receiving them, even…
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