Does the Bible Teach that Respect is Earned or Freely Given?I believed that I didn’t have any obligation to show respect to someone unless they earned it. Our culture agreed…Read Article
Assumptions, Judgment and Chai Tea LattesGod is always with us. Isaiah 40:10 reminds us that the Lord will strengthen and help us, so we need…Read Article
What Does “Hesed” Love Mean to Us Today?Most of all, hesed is a covenant love—a love that binds God to his people. It is almost exclusively used…Read Article
My Challenge: Pray for and Thank your PastorToday, I want to propose something counter-cultural: I want to challenge myself and you to pray for and appreciate our…Read Article
Learning to Be the ChurchWhat difference might it make if instead of planning more church programs, we initiated more projects next door? Jesus challenged…Read Article
Lessons from Egyptian Christians, Part 3: Extreme HospitalityLet us be a church that is known for hospitality, for how we love our family and our enemies. Let…Read Article
Lessons from Egyptian Christians, Part 3: Being a Missional ChurchIn downtown Cairo, Kasr al Dobara Evangelical Church (KDEC) stands as the largest evangelical church in the entire Middle East,…Read Article
Ministry Reversed (Ephesians 5:16)Although RJ intended to encourage her ill friend, she was surprised by “ministry reversed” as her friend showed a positive,…Read Article
Lessons from Egyptian Christians , Part 2: My Nine-Year-Old MentorOn a recent mission trip to Egypt, Chris had a frightening experience, but with a reminder of Psalm 23, and…Read Article
Lessons from Egyptian Christians , Part 1: Political Unrest is Good for the ChurchChris recently traveled to Egypt and there learned some important lessons about being a Christian. He learned political unrest is…Read Article
A Hog’s Guide to the Christian Life: Humility, Obedience, Generosity and ServanthoodWhat do you think of when you hear the word “hog”? Most people think of an animal, but in this…Read Article