We Have More Than Enough Hope Do you need hope? I know that I have lived through seasons when I’ve felt desperate for hope, and maybe…Read Article
I Urge You to Transform, not Conform (Romans 12) As free and grateful people, we can say, “God, thank you for all you’ve given me. Now I offer myself…Read Article
Words Matter to God God is speaking words to us, words that matter. All throughout the Bible, the words of God matter. I’ve been…Read Article
At Peace with God (Romans 5) Paul refers to peace 50 times in his letters. He uses the Greek word eirene, which means the opposite of…Read Article
Blessed are the… (A Look at Happiness and the Beatitudes) Jesus calls us to live outside of what the world calls happiness and, instead, embrace his definition and source of…Read Article
The “I Am” Statements of Jesus Here are some more wonderful “I Am” statements from Jesus in the book of John. John 6:35, says, “I am…Read Article
Temptation and Cold Coca-Cola (James 1:12-18) How do we do it? How do we deal with temptation when it is so strong that it pulls us…Read Article
Real Hope Comes From God Hope from God is grounded in our salvation. Salvation is the work of the entire Trinity: God the Father, Jesus…Read Article
What is True Love? Sometimes, I flippantly say “I love you” and not think about what that really means. Sometimes, I downplay love’s power…Read Article
What Zechariah and Elizabeth Can Teach Us About Active Waiting Zechariah was an old man, and he could have given up after years of waiting, but he did not. He…Read Article
Two Troubling Phrases that Keep Us from Abundant Life As another coaching client left my office, I wrote a summary in her folder, then sat for a while in…Read Article
Searching for Comfort (Exodus 20:3) R.J. was searching for something else to comfort herself. She writes, “It was one of those anniversary months, when I…Read Article