What’s Your Identity?We tend to ignore the question of identity, because it can feel uncomfortable or overwhelming, but I think that’s a…Read Article
How To Handle Discouragement (A Lesson from Nehemiah)Have you ever started on a big project and were unable to finish it because you got discouraged? Projects like…Read Article
David’s Greatest Leadership Failure (And Three Things We Can Learn from It)While there are plenty of examples of leadership failures throughout Scripture, there are perhaps none more infamous than that of…Read Article
How to Create a Daily Prayer HabitNot only is prayer a command to Christians but it is also a gift that allows us to develop godly…Read Article
7 Scriptures on SurrenderGod calls us, His precious children, to fully surrender to Him. Not because He is interested in controlling our lives…Read Article
Fasting During Lent A Spiritual Guide to Getting the Most Out of the PracticeDiscover the spiritual significance of fasting during Lent. Learn how this practice can deepen your faith, foster repentance, and prepare…Read Article
Biblical Wisdom for Dating, Part 2 – 3 More Biblical InsightsExplore 3 more biblical insights for dating, including treating others with dignity, balancing authenticity and compromise, and fostering humility for…Read Article
Biblical Wisdom for Dating Part 1 – 4 Insights from ScriptureWhile the Bible does not address “dating” directly as a concept, it certainly has a lot to say about how…Read Article
Spiritual Lessons From Psalm 119When I taught my kids how to tie their shoes, they didn’t master it on the first, second, or even…Read Article
Creating a Daily Bible-Reading HabitEach year, hundreds of American children are enrolled in piano lessons. Most parents who pay for these lessons each week…Read Article
What Type of Bible Study Should I Do?Studying Scripture is a great way to grow in your faith, learn about God, and develop wisdom. There are lots…Read Article
Aiming Our Hearts Toward GodWhen we run away from idolatry and toward God, our hearts are aimed toward his. When our hearts are aimed…Read Article