We can do nothing without LoveLife is meaningless, noisy, stressful, disconnected, and even miserable if there is no practice of real love. The principle of…Read Article
Spiritual Discipline and True TeachingGrowth in godliness comes through Spiritual discipline. One of the things growing in the faith presumes is good, sound and…Read Article
The Heavenly PartyDale’s death brought a sting into Craig’s soul that he had never felt before. The counterbalance to this great loss…Read Article
Fully Human 1: The Humanity of JesusHow often do we think about the way in which God chose to come to us: as fully, totally, utterly,…Read Article
The Security of FaithAre you or someone you love struggling? Are you wondering, “Why is this happening? Where to turn for security? How…Read Article
Spiritual Disciplines #3 – Memorizing the WordMost people are convinced that they can’t memorize Scripture. Even more do not understand the value of this spiritual discipline.…Read Article
Aware!Awareness is the key that unlocks many relational doors. It goes far beyond a casual glance or simply noticing, and…Read Article
Godly Jealousy?! Pt. 4 of 4Godly jealousy is good news. It is not like human jealousy. This we learn from Deuteronomy 5:6-10, where God describes…Read Article
Love is not Self-SeekingLove is not just about our feelings. It isn’t sappy or over-romantic. Nor is it about being clever and manipulative.…Read Article
Godly Jealousy?! Pt. 3 of 4Godly jealousy can be a confusing message. On this part 3 of 4, we consider God’s warning and his promise…Read Article
Spiritual Disciplines #2 – Bible IntakeBible intake is the first spiritual discipline mentioned in just about any training program. Yet, many Christians are struggling to…Read Article
Godly Jealousy?! Pt. 2 of 4Throughout this series, we are learning from Deuteronomy 5:6-10 about a different type of jealousy: godly jealousy. In Part 1…Read Article