The Power of PresenceIn a beautiful and succinct description of how to be present and love one another, the apostle Paul tells us…Read Article
The Epic Story of the Bible, Part 8: King DavidIn David’s story we see that he was great when he was good and became cruel when he focused on…Read Article
What’s Your Response When Gossip is Served?How will you respond next time gossip is served? We’re all guilty of it eating and serving gossip. We dress…Read Article
Our Heavenly Father Gives Good GiftsNo matter how much I may ache for prayers to be answered or circumstances to change, this much is true:…Read Article
How to Encourage, One Adjective at a TimeIn 1 Thessalonians 5:14, the Apostle Paul reminds us to “Encourage the timid, help the weak and be patient with…Read Article
The Epic Story of the Bible, Part 7: JobDespite his pain, Job interceded on behalf of his foolish friends, just as Jesus, our Savior, intercedes for us. As…Read Article
Honor, Courage and Faith (Take Five)In today’s Take Five, we’re going to revisit some posts on Trochia that deal with these themes. Whether you are…Read Article
Comparing Two Dreamers, from the Old and New TestamentThe Bible is filled with stories of real people with real dreams, just like us. RJ Thesman takes a closer…Read Article
What is Evidence of the Holy Spirit?So what is the telling sign of the Holy Spirit’s presence in the life of a Christian? Galatians 5:22-23 tells…Read Article
PTSD and GodGod is also an authority, as well as a Father. How can I see him in love, while living with…Read Article
The Epic Story of the Bible, Part 6: Moses Points to ChristMoses is a picture of Christ, our redeemer and guide. He also struck a rock that will give water, pointing…Read Article
Learning to Be the ChurchWhat difference might it make if instead of planning more church programs, we initiated more projects next door? Jesus challenged…Read Article