Trusting God, Even on Lonely SundaysDuring my church-hunt, I discovered Sunday is the loneliest day of the week. But I felt some comfort in believing…Read Article
Prayer: The Lord is NearMy husband Jeff is in Africa right now. I miss him, and I miss the little things like going downstairs early…Read Article
Pray First, Plan SecondIt was Jesus’ habit to pray first and plan second. That approach led him to preach, to lead, and to…Read Article
Does the Bible Teach that Respect is Earned or Freely Given?I believed that I didn’t have any obligation to show respect to someone unless they earned it. Our culture agreed…Read Article
What You Feed Your Heart Will Feed OthersWhen it comes to physical health, what you eat makes a big difference. A poor diet can lead to health…Read Article
Does Fruitfulness = Exhaustion?So what does the call for fruitfulness mean for my tired heart? Does God call me to exhaustion and disarray…Read Article
Assumptions, Judgment and Chai Tea LattesGod is always with us. Isaiah 40:10 reminds us that the Lord will strengthen and help us, so we need…Read Article
American Sniper, the Apostle Paul and My MissionIf I were to have a conversation with Kyle and Paul, the two men would probably humbly tell me about…Read Article
Four Things You’ve Taught Me About Love, OliviaI’m thinking about you Olivia. You weren’t supposed to be here. The doctors told us you would not live long…Read Article
What Does “Hesed” Love Mean to Us Today?Most of all, hesed is a covenant love—a love that binds God to his people. It is almost exclusively used…Read Article
When Your Message is Right but Your Tone is WrongI want my words to be tempered with grace that honors the Lord and edifies the person receiving them, even…Read Article
True Beauty and the Women of GodThe world we live in is materialistic and focused on appearances. In the world’s eyes, if you look beautiful, you…Read Article