Worldly Wisdom Or God’s Wisdom (Part 2) Self-seeking envy and the world’s earthly, unspiritual and demonic wisdom creates strife and disharmony in our lives. It gains us…Read Article
Worldly Wisdom or God’s Wisdom (Part 1) How would you describe the distinction between the world’s wisdom and the wisdom of God? “Who is wise and understanding…Read Article
“I will bless you, to be a blessing” God’s Promise to Abraham in Genesis 12 “I will bless you; to be a blessing. All peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” This is called…Read Article
What or Who is the Sabbath For? Does it Still Matter to Christians Today? “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy” Exodus 20:8-11 Sabbath is a symbol of God’s Sovereignty and Lordship. The…Read Article
Colossians 1: Faith, Hope, Love, Truth and Fruit in Our Lives Think about the descriptors in this passage of Colossians 1: faith, hope, love, truth and fruit. What a beautiful, inspiring…Read Article
Jesus Cursed the Fig Tree (Matthew 21) In Matthew 21, Jesus cursed a fig tree that did not produce fruit. Why? Making leaves is essential for a…Read Article
The Names of God: The Lord is our Righteousness, God my Victory and the Abiding Presence of God Why are God’s names important in our spiritual growth journey? Because we need to know who and what we believe…Read Article
The Names of God: The Lord Our Peace, God of My Life and Strength Shalom, which means peace, is a powerful conviction, motivation and blessing. It reveals to us how the world should be,…Read Article
The Names of God: The Lord your Healer, the one who is near, and God of my strength Have you seen or experienced a healing? God heals, but in Scripture healing is not guaranteed; it is about how…Read Article
The Names of God: the LORD Will Provide One of the key names for God is JEHOVAH-JIREH. This precious name tells us that God is our Provider. The…Read Article
The Names of God: YAHWEH and JEHOVAH We can learn who God is through his names and titles. YAHWEH and JEHOVAH are the covenant, central names of…Read Article
Our Good Shepherd: Trusting Jesus with our Lives Jesus called himself the “good shepherd”. For us to be in the safety of Christ’s sheepfold, we have to cultivate…Read Article