We are emotional beings, and we all know what it feels like to be overcome with anger, happiness, sadness or love. We often find ourselves living at the whim of emotion, however, and it seems obvious from Scripture that God wants us to handle our emotions in a different way. What does God have to say about our feelings? Read today’s Take Five to find out.
When your anger gets the best of you
“We shouldn’t be paranoid or unduly sensitive about anger. Everyone has a capacity for it. Most of us have very normal (even healthy) flashes of anger when we witness cruelty, injustice, betrayal and other transgressions of people. God created our emotions. Anger certainly has a righteous role.” Keep reading here.
See how he loved him
“There are those who see Jesus dying on the cross to put an end to suffering and say, ‘See how He loved us!’ And there are those who say, ‘If He’s really all-powerful, couldn’t he have prevented the suffering in the first place?’ The first set has their eyes fixed on God Himself; the second is firmly focused on their own thwarted plans.” Finish the post here.
Why am I so angry? (Video)
Click here to watch this week’s video.
What we need versus what we want
“The paralyzed man had no trouble understanding that he needed healing. Without the ability to walk, he could not earn a living or live a normal life. As a paralytic, his only means of supporting himself was as a beggar.” Keep reading here.
The psychology of happiness
“As a psychologist, I hear the same words over and over when I ask folks what has brought them to counseling—”I just want to be happy.” But as we know, happiness is an ever-shifting target.” Finish this post here.
Check out an earlier Take 5 post here.
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