Do you get distracted by media? Your phone, iPad, TV or even magazines and billboards can all be very distracting. Media is intoxicating, but we’re bombarded by media messages that distract us from biblical values, from truth, and from God. The media is devaluing the family unit and accepting sinful behavior as normal. Many are being slowly poisoned by it.
The media subliminally tells us what’s right and what’s wrong, but the Bible must be the judge. We can’t allow the Enemy to use the media to slowly pull us away from God. What are some other things that distract us from God, things that interfere with our walk with God?
Next, is money a distraction for you? Why do you suppose that Jesus talks about money so often in parables? Money is an attraction that can easily become a dangerous distraction. In Matthew 6, Jesus tells us our hearts are going to follow our treasure. In verse 24 he says, “No man can serve two masters, because either he’ll hate the one and love the other, or he will hold to the one and despise the other. You can’t serve God and mammon.” Mammona is a Greek word for wealth or riches, and it carries the idea of idolizing money.
In Mark 10, we see that money distracted the rich young ruler from God. Jesus said, “It’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” Why? Because money can distract us from God.
Finally, let’s talk about ministry. Ministry can be a distraction from God. Serving, going to church, and even the pastor himself can be distractions, because serving can become an end in itself. Serving can become more important than spending time with God.
Remember Mary and Martha? In Luke 10, Jesus reminded Martha, who was anxious and troubled about serving and running around, that Mary had chosen the better action, quieting herself at Jesus’ feet and listening to him. Now serving has its place, but if we serve with the wrong motives, then serving can be a dangerous distraction. In the same vein, church can be a distraction, because many people pursue church without pursuing God. We also can become more dependent upon our pastor than we are on God.
Media, money and ministry are just three things that can distract us from fully and regularly seeking God and his Word. Let’s be alert and prayerful this week, and watch how media, money and ministry impact your walk with Christ – for better or worse. If you need to, ask a close friend or mentor to help you see what things you might be attracted to, that are distracting you from God.
Check out an earlier post by Fred here.