The Fruits of the Spirit: Love and Joy God’s love must be our model for our personal life, our church life and our relationships. It must flow into…Read Article
Love is Not Chance Is love really left to chance? Are we supposed to simply hope we get lucky in love, or is there…Read Article
Discipline of Fasting Fasting is actually mentioned in the Bible more than baptism. It’s mentioned more than 77 times. We can’t overlook fasting,…Read Article
Hope is a Dangerous Thing I know hopeless disappointment well personally, as I’ve fixed my hope on so many things only to be thoroughly disappointed.…Read Article
Saved for a Purpose Jesus told his disciples: “Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.” Are we…Read Article
We can do nothing without Love Life is meaningless, noisy, stressful, disconnected, and even miserable if there is no practice of real love. The principle of…Read Article
The Security of Faith Are you or someone you love struggling? Are you wondering, “Why is this happening? Where to turn for security? How…Read Article