Ministry, hymns and truth (Take Five)

Written by: Dani Nichols
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Through wise counsel, Scripturally-based hymns and God-centered stories, we can learn great truths about Jesus and inspiration for our daily journeys. Today, our Take Five links to  thoughts on how we can learn more about Christ and center our lives around him – through the music we listen to, books we read and mentors we choose. How will you focus on truth today?

“Many a new pastor acts as if history began as the pastor arrived. Yet even when a ministry is started fresh, it is built on a foundation. Someone cultivated the conditions necessary to start. Paul points to this progression in his first letter to the Corinthians,‘I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.’ (1 Corinthians 3:6, NRSV)” Keep reading here.

“The books are not ends in themselves. They exist because of, and for the sake of, their creator. They are valuable but miniscule tools to help me love God and help others love God. The Lord is worthy to be contemplated endlessly; the books contain knowledge that has the potential to be iconic and help me and others love the Lord, even as the books become idols when my gaze rests on them and is held by them and doesn’t seek in them the Lord giving them their slight being even at this moment.” Finish the post here.

“Yesterday, my better-than-average preacher spoke a good word almost off-the-cuff. ‘Seek God and he will be found,’ he said. These words, along with the breaking of a beautiful morning, gave rise to both an ache I hadn’t yet recognized and to this poem.” Keep reading here. 

“When the Farmer looks up from the combine steering wheel to his boy in the shattered tractor, he nods quiet. The farm boy turns his eyes away. Sometimes it’s hard to look love square in the eye and accept the acceptance. Is this why we turn from God?” Finish this post here. 



Read an earlier Take 5 here. 

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