Building, Growing and Loving Like Jesus (Take Five)

Written by: Dani Nichols
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In today’s Take Five, we chose stories of love given and received, and of people who are pursuing beautiful things that are centered around Jesus. May today’s articles inspire you – whether you are called to a new adventure or to lengthy, obedient growth, let’s live this week leaning on Jesus as our savior and our inspiration.

The Most Important Skill that Your 2014 Really Needs

“In a new year, the only hope of a new me, is only Christ in me. The most important life skill to have in 2014 is to live aware that Jesus is the only life I have.” Keep reading here.

Receive First, Give Second

“Long to be more loving? Begin by accepting your place as a dearly loved child. ‘Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us’ (Ephesians 5:1-2 NIV).” Finish the post here.

Young Life DGL Haiti Stories: Etgard, the Architect

Young Life DGL Haiti Stories: Etgard, the Architect from W. Ashley Maddox on Vimeo.

Gospel People Stay Behind

“This is the template of the Book of Acts. The people of God are brought together for a time, in a place, to accomplish a work beyond any of their individual capabilities—world-changing stuff. And then some of them are led away to the next adventure. Others stay behind to cultivate the local Christian community in the quietly unfolding epic of the day-to-day.” Keep reading here.

Love Means You Keep Showing Up

Showing Up 580

“Our church loved us. This wasn’t about reciprocation: we hadn’t yet done anything to earn their love or respect. They simply loved us because they were our family. However new we were to them, we were blood relatives because we all stood under the cross and called Jesus our friend.  We were kin to them, flesh and blood to them, because of Jesus’ flesh and blood.” Finish this post here. 

Check out an earlier Take 5 post here.

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